- automatic closing door自闭门
- self-closing cabin door自闭式舱室门
- fire door of selfclosing type自闭式防火门
- self-closing door自闭式门
- self closing faucet自闭水龙头,自闭旋塞
- self closing door自闭水密门
- self-closing stop valve自闭停止阀
- self-closing cock自闭旋塞
- autocode instruction自编码指令
- apologia自辩解
- self-compensated motor自补偿的电动机
- autotomy自残
- self-steering自操纵的
- deviation自差,漂移,绕航,偏差
- deviation pole自差标杆
- deviation mark自差标记
- deviation card自差表
- analysis of deviation自差分析
- correction of deviation自差改正量
- deviascope自差观测仪
- deviation book自差记录簿
- approximate coefficient of deviation自差近似系数
- endodyne reception自差接收法
- deviating force自差力
- deviation calibration curve自差曲线
- deviation diagram自差曲线图
- autodyne receiver自差式接收机
- deviation自差绕航
- deviation coefficient自差系数
- compensation of deviation自差消除
- deviation correction自差校正
- swinging ground自差校正场
- adjusting magnet自差校正磁铁
- deviascope自差校正试验仪
- compensator自差校正装置
- self-doped自掺杂
- self-contained control自持控制
- endurance自持力
- self-sustaining speed自持转速
- aft of bow自船首向后
- built-in type reefer container自带冻机冷藏集装箱
- self-contained air support system自带空气维持系统
- Cabin Luggage自带行李
- built in type reefer container自带制冷机的冷藏集装箱
- Assumption of the Risk Rule自担风险原则
- torpedo homing自导
- range of homing stage自导段航程
- homing accuracy自导精度
- self-contained navigation自导式导
- position and homing indicator自导引领仪