- balance band重心箍
- gravity center height重心高度
- bottom heavy重心过低
- top-heaviness重心过高
- anchor balancing band重心环
- top-heavy重心过高的
- bottom heavy重心偏向船底
- leveling gear重心自动找正装置
- horizontal location of the center of gravity重心水平位置
- repackage重新包装
- retreatment重新处理
- reactivate重新编入船队
- registry anew重新登记
- rekindle重新点燃
- retrimminng重新调整重新平衡
- remoored mine重新碇泊的漂雷
- retiming重新定时
- sound reproduction重新放音
- relay2重新放重新铺设重新涂
- re-cover重新盖,给…换新面子
- remachine重新机械加工
- relining重新划线
- Costs of Restowing重新积载费用
- fresh way重新加速前进
- reclosing relay重新继电器
- reload重新加载
- slow down reset重新减速
- rebush重新加轴衬于…
- rebabbitting重新浇铸巴氏合金
- re-engage重新接入
- re-surfaced重新磨平的
- redraw重新拉拔
- rearrange重新排列
- re-coil重新盘绕(管子)
- recommissioned重新启用
- relocation dicionary重新配位表
- re-classification重新入级
- recarburization重新渗碳
- reclassify重新入级再分类
- reconsigned重新托送货物
- recoat重新涂
- reconsigned重新托运
- recoat重新油漆
- retiming重新正时
- rerun routine重新运行程序
- to be renominated重新指定船舶
- reshipment重新装船
- refill重新注入
- declaration of reshipment重新装船申报单
- reship重新装运