- government tug boat政府拖船
- political commissars政委
- governmental authority政府主管机关
- government rate政务价目
- government's telegram code政务电报密码
- political embargo政治禁运
- Political Risk Insurance政治风险保险
- off and on之字形驶风靠岸
- reeled riveting之字铆接,之形铆接
- supporting back支背
- zigzagging之字形运动
- strut vee angle支臂轴夹角
- Supporting Arm支臂
- support支撑
- ribband支材,木桁,防滑材
- supporting支撑的
- propping支撑,横支梁
- bracing member支撑杆架
- support polygon支撑多边形
- supporting parts支撑件
- the support component支撑构件
- bearing surface支撑面
- supporting bolt支撑螺栓
- cover keep lever支撑器
- supporting capacity支撑能力
- support bearing支撑轴承
- support plug支撑塞
- Supporting plate支承板
- anti-tripping bracket支撑肘板
- pillar bulkhead支承舱壁
- rest bar支承扁钢
- abutment pressure支承动力,支点反作用力
- supported支承的
- supporting steel plate支承钢板
- mounting flange支承法兰
- Supporting Structure支承构架
- spacer,tube support plate支承隔板
- supporting roller支承滚柱
- supporting frame支承构件
- supporting frame支承框架
- supporting bead支承卷边
- Hold Ring支承环
- back nut支承螺母
- holding screw支承螺钉
- bearing area支承面积、承压面积,轴承面积
- supported area支承面积
- guide inside micrometer支承式内径千分表
- guide dial inside micrometer支承式带表盘内径千分表
- retaining pin支承销
- fixturing design支承位置