- steam drum蒸汽鼓筒
- steam header蒸汽管集箱
- steam pipe insulating valve蒸汽管隔离阀
- vapour line蒸汽管路
- steam connection蒸汽管接头
- steam tubulature蒸汽管系
- steam piping pressure automatic regulating system蒸汽管系压力自动调节系统
- steam boiler plant蒸汽锅炉装置
- steam cooker蒸汽锅
- steam content蒸汽含量
- superheater temperature alarm蒸汽过热器温度报警器
- steam consumption meter蒸汽耗量表
- steam and motor蒸汽和马达
- reversing chamber蒸汽回流室
- vapor nucleus蒸汽核
- steam return line蒸汽回路
- cargo steamer蒸汽货船
- steam engine蒸汽机
- steam vessel蒸汽机船
- steam engine powerplant蒸汽机动力装置
- cylinder oil for steam engine蒸汽机汽缸油
- combined steam engine and exhaust turbine installation蒸汽机-废汽轮机联合装置
- steam tug蒸汽机拖船
- steam tug蒸汽机拖轮
- steam assisted pressure jet burner蒸汽-机械喷油燃烧器
- steam heating tube蒸汽加热管
- steam collier蒸汽机运煤船
- steam heating pipe蒸汽加热管,暖气管
- steam heating tank蒸汽加热柜,蒸汽加热货油舱
- steam heating coil蒸汽加热盘管
- steam heater蒸汽加热器,蒸汽暖炉
- steam to-water preheater蒸汽加热水预热器
- steam heating system蒸汽加热系统
- steam heated steam generator-on a ship-on a ship蒸汽加热蒸汽产生器
- steam reducing valve蒸汽减压阀
- steam deck machinery蒸汽甲板机械
- steam cargo winch蒸汽绞车
- steam capstan蒸汽绞缆机
- steam capstan蒸汽绞盘
- steam connection蒸汽接管
- steam decontamination蒸汽净化
- steam entrance angle蒸汽进口角
- steam purifier蒸汽净化器
- vaporous cavitation蒸汽空泡
- steam air heater蒸汽-空气预热器
- steam cooling蒸汽冷却法
- vapour cooling system蒸汽冷却系统
- steam quantity蒸汽量
- steam calorimeter蒸汽量热量
- vapor flow蒸汽流动