- backing of the wind风向反转
- wind divide风向界线
- anemorumbometer风向风速计
- windy graph风向图
- wind rotation风向转变
- blast pressure风压
- closed shell of electrons封闭电子壳层
- wind load风压负载
- closed basin封闭盆地
- closed canopy封闭株冠
- occlusion water封闭水
- Occlusion water封存水
- closed basin封合盆地
- lock image封锁图像
- summit level峰顶高程
- peaks峰林
- accordance of summit levels峰顶面等高性
- crest line峰线
- maximum output峰值输出功率
- frontal wave锋面波
- frontal zone锋带
- prefrontal squall line锋前飑线
- honeycomb weathering蜂巢状风化
- prefrontal squall line锋前阵风线
- honeycomb rocks蜂房岩
- honeycomb formation蜂窝状构造
- honeycomb蜂窝状
- suture structure缝合构造
- stylolitic joint缝合线节理
- phrygana佛利干那群落,常绿矮灌木丛
- anemorumbometer凤向风速计
- synoptic situation夫气形势
- pitching anticline伏背斜
- lying fold伏卧褶皱
- recumbent anticline伏卧背斜
- hieratite氟硅钾石
- freon氟利昴
- malladrite氟硅钠石
- jarlite氟铝钠锶石
- matlockite氟氯铅矿
- eckermannite氟镁钠闪石
- sellait氟镁石
- kurskite氟钠磷灰石
- fluorine dating氟年代测定法
- ralstonite氟钠镁铝石
- fluoborite氟硼镁石
- tysonite氟铈锎矿
- tilasite氟砷钙镁石
- fluocerite-(Ce)氟铈矿
- fluorine metasomatism氟素交代作用