- worker职蚁
- occupational medicine职业病学
- remote sensing for plant protection植保遥感
- reflectance spectra of vegetation植被反射波谱
- vegetation variable植被参数
- vegetation coverage map植被覆盖度图
- key to interpretation of vegetation植被类型判读检隧
- calculation of vegetation covering ratio植被率计算
- vegetation destruction植被破坏
- interpretation of vegetation植被判读
- vegetation map植被图
- Vegetation division植被区划
- vegetation type植被型
- marks of direct vegetation interpretation植被直接判读标志
- vegetation remote sensing植被遥感
- phytogenetic soil植成土
- thicket植丛
- plant specimens植物标本
- plant pathology植物病理学
- vegetable remains植物残余
- plant residue植物残体
- phytochorology植物分布学
- plant fossil植物化石
- plant improvement植物改良
- phytolithology植物化石学
- plant ash植物灰
- floral region植物区
- phytoclimate植物气候
- floristic composition植物区系成分
- phytosphere植物圈
- plant association group植物群丛组
- plant association fragment植物群丛片断
- plant community complex植物群落复合
- phytogenic medium植物群落环境
- community complex植物群落复合体
- Plant community succession植物群落演替
- phytocoenotype植物群落型
- plant formation植物群系
- phytosociology植物社会学
- plant growth stimulant植物生长刺激素
- plant ecology植物生态学
- phototrophy植物性营养
- plant-plant interaction植物相互作用
- phytogenic rock植物岩
- plant deficiency disease植物营养缺乏症
- pollution of plant nutritions植物营养物质污染
- plant cultivation植物栽培
- major structure止造
- principal vertical line止线
- principal traverse旨线