- pollution by organophosphorus pesticides有机磷农药污染
- contamination of organochlorine pesticides有机氯农药污染
- bioaccumulated limestone有机生成石灰岩
- destruction of organic matter有机物质分解
- organoclay有机土
- organic matter content有机物质含量
- accumulation of organic matter有机质堆积
- heteropolar compound有极化合物
- heteropolar crystal有极结晶
- heteropolar colloid有极胶体
- angularity有角
- foraminiferal zonation有孔虫成带现象
- angular有角的
- foraminifera有孔虫类
- costate有肋骨的
- keramzit有孔粘土
- breached cone有缺口火山锥
- scaly有鳞的
- color filter有色器滤色片
- striated有条纹的
- available relief有效地势
- significant slope有效波陡
- available ground water有效地下水
- effective precipitation有效降雨
- available water holding capacity有效水保持能力
- available relief有效起伏
- available water有效水分
- available water capacity有效水容量
- profitable thickness有益厚度
- available field capacity有效田间持水量
- alate有翼的
- right bank右岸
- active seismic measurement有源地震测量
- right handed crystal右晶
- right lateral fault右行断层
- neoteny幼虫期性成熟
- juvenile幼年
- young growth幼龄林
- juvenile幼年的
- young mountain幼年山
- young valley幼年谷
- young platform幼年性台地
- induced infiltration诱导渗透
- Induced variation诱发变异
- warping淤灌
- artinite纡维菱镁矿
- siltation淤积
- deposit淤积物
- accretion gley淤积潜育层
- sludge淤泥