- heat exchange in atmosphere大气中热量交换
- macrorelief大区地形
- atmospheric constituent大气组成
- high volume hole大容积药壶钻孔
- macroaggregate大团聚体
- macrocephalic大头的
- large crumb大团块
- Taiyuan大湾
- maelstrom大涡流
- atlantic suite大误岩套
- atlantic time大误期
- megafacies大相
- gorilla大猩猩
- megasyncline大向斜
- macroplankton大型浮游生物
- larger foraminifer大型有孔虫
- macrosolifluction大型泥石流
- surface film of ocean大洋表膜
- macroevolution大演化
- ocean wave大洋波浪
- oceanic rift valley system大洋裂谷系
- oceanic crust大洋地壳
- oceanite大洋岩
- ocean water大洋水
- mid ocean ridge大洋中背
- oceanic rise大洋中隆
- mid oceanic rift大洋中谷
- ODP大洋钻探
- mass transport大宗运输
- tall herb community大杂类草原草甸
- representative samples代表样本
- turnover代谢回转
- representative species代表种
- band带,夹层
- metabolism velocity代谢速度
- stopper circuit带除滤波电路
- band spectra带谱
- band model method带模式法
- bandpass filter带通滤光器
- taeniolite带云母
- overlap of strips带重迭
- noise seismic channel带噪声地震道
- banded hematite quartzite带状赤铁矿石英岩
- belt area带状分布区
- strip map带状地图
- rill erosion带状沟蚀
- border irrigation带状灌溉
- zonal structure带状构造
- banded migmatite带状混合岩
- banded lode带状矿脉