查校网 > 成都 > 职高技校 > 四川天一学院


  • 公办,私立办学性质
  • 未知在校师生
  • 5307浏览次数


民办四川天一学院成立于1991年,坐落于素有“天府之国”美称的成都近郊,是经教育部批准的全国首批西南地区第一所独立设置的民办普通高校。2008年12月,学院顺利通过四川省教育厅组织的人才培养工作水平评估。19年来,学院已发展成为以管理、营销等职业教育为主,多专业协调发展的专科层次民办高校,在校生达8400余名。拟于2010年竣工的具有国际化特色的500亩新校区(坐落于成都龙泉),一期工程建筑面积7万余平方米。学院以培养“能做、能说、能合作”的高等职业人才为己任,全力为学生创造实训、实习的机会。学院现建有27个校内实训基地,同时与83个全国知名企业共建校外实习实训基地。学院把学生“能就业,就好业”作为对考生和家长最重要的承诺,近6年来,学院就业率一直保持在93%以上,且荣获了“四川省高校毕业生就业工作先进集体”的称号。在长期的办学实践中,学院逐步形成了人才培养的国际化战略与思路,现已与美国、澳大利亚、马来西亚等多所全球知名大学联合开展了国际合作项目,致力于培养具有国际视野的高素质人才。 Sichuan Tianyi College was founded in 1991. In 1994, It has been accepted in China national higher education as the first series and our private college possesses the independent qualification to award higher education diploma. Our college has become a comprehensive private college which is based on management and economics with multidisplinary and coordinated development. Our college has 41 majors and more than 8,000 students located in Longquan, Tianhui and Luodai campus.At present, Sichuan Tianyi College has 9 departments: Department of Management, Department of Economic, Department of Information Engineering, Department of English, Department of Tourism, Department of Art Design, Department of Elementary Education, Continuing Education Center, International Education Center. Our college set up 41 majors: Marketing, Property Management, Computerized Accounting System, Electronic and Information Technology, Business English, Tourism Management, Environment Art Design and so on.During the past 18 years, Sichuan Tianyi College’s social prestige continusly kept rising and the scale kept expanding. The guiding ideology of our college is to train high-quality graduates who can undertake, communicate and cooperate. Recently, Sichuan Tianyi College continually innovates models of teaching and strengthens the practice teaching. These years, our college has built up 36 intramural labs and 69 off-campus training bases such as computerized accounting system lab, property management simulated training room, marketing lab, electronic foundmental measurement lab, PLC theory & application lab, guest room training room, physique training room, situation method training room, material design and making lab, engineering drawing & plot lab and so on. In December 2008, Sichuan Tianyi College successfully passed the job evaluation of Sichuan Provincial Education Department Personnel Training of Higher Vocational Education.


招生电话:028—84870031 028-84876001 028-84870015


  • 教学规模:
  • 周边环境:
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招生电话:028—84870031 028-84876001 028-84870015
