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北京师范大学 香港浸会大学 联合国际学院

  • 公办办学性质
  • 未知在校师生
  • 8589浏览次数


北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院(United International College,简称UIC)由北京 师范大学和香港浸会大学于广东省珠海市携手创立,是首家中国内地与香港高等教育界合作创办的大学,获得国家教育部特批。 自2005年11月举行成立暨奠基典礼至今,UIC已迅速发展成为一所拥有独特教育理念的国际化大学。学院设有工商管理学部、人文与社会科学学部、理工科技学部三个学部,下设十五个专业。学院实施四年全英文教学,毕业生学成后获颁UIC毕业证书和香港浸会大学学士学位,在国内、香港及国际范围均获认可。 UIC拥有一支来自20多个国家和地区的优秀师资队伍,其中51%来自国外,26%来自香港,具有博士以上学历者占50%。UIC还汇聚了中国内地、港澳台、韩国、英国、法国、尼日利亚、马里等地约4300名莘莘学子。 2009年UIC推出第一届毕业生,截至到六月份已有约70%的学生实现就业及深造,此数据还在不断更新。继续深造的同学成功申请了包括香港浸会大学、香港科技大学,加拿大布鲁克大学和澳大利亚西奥大学等港澳及国外大学的研究生资格;毕业生就业去向包括毕马威(KPMG)、BP、IBM和工商银行等外资或外向型企业。 United International College (UIC), situated in Zhuhai and jointly founded by Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), is the first full-scale cooperation in higher education between the Mainland and Hong Kong. Its charter has been approved by the Ministry of Education with full support from local authorities. UIC shoulders the historical mission of advancing the internationalization of Chinese higher education and taking the lead in implementing liberal arts education in China. Since its Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony in November 2005, UIC has grown into an internationalized college with unique educational approaches such as Whole Person Education, Four Point Education, etc. Sixteen undergraduate programs are currently being offered by three divisions, namely the Business and Management Division, the Humanities and Social Science Division, and the Science and Technology Division. UIC has extended its enrollment of Category 1 candidates to cover more than 20 provinces and municipalities. There are approximately 4300 students in UIC now. Teaching staff from more than 20 countries and regions are optimized to carry out the four-year entire English teaching. Graduates will be awarded both Bachelor's Degrees by HKBU and Graduation Certificates by UIC.


  • 教学规模:
  • 周边环境:
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  • 校园环境:
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  • 校园食堂:






学校地址:北京北京师范大学 香港浸会大学 联合国际学院

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